
Fayrohs famed

Hank Harris and Ricky Jacobsen likely know my lives better than I do perched up on those stages watching South Dakota get old. It's only fitting that one of their own lives is being inducted into the state's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame today. Eric Lochbridge, the Rapid City Journal's much younger music reporter said it this way:

DD and the Fayrohs will be only the second West River band recognized by the South Dakota Rock and Roll Music Association, which curates the hall of fame in the Washington Pavilion in Sioux Falls. In addition to singer Drew Lerdal and guitarist Lerdal – who also plays with Beatles tribute group the Abbey Road Band — DD and the Fayrohs’ current members include Hank Harris on bass and Tom Sitzler on drums. Local musician Ricky Jacobsen sometimes plays with the group as well. Former bassists Rod Schroeder and Vicki Hurd also will be inducted. Harris, who performs frequently as a solo singer-songwriter, joined DD and the Fayrohs in 1989. He believes the band’s success stems not only from its passion for music but also from other less apparent skills. “We used to play pretty much every weekend, and then people started getting lives,” Harris said.

Slideshow of foraged foods at Ecotrope, a blog hosted by Oregon Public Broadcasting.

Wait, wait..."not intended to be a factual statement:"

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Anonymous said...

Weird. I am tilting just a bit.

larry kurtz said...

Likely the result of living under red state failure.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Not that.